
is such a precious gift. I am so honored to be able to create safe and fun environments for your kids to be kids. For them to play and have fun while I capture priceless moments for you. I was lucky enough to have met these two brothers last summer during their family session. It is so amazing to see how much they have grown since then!  


their mom, decided to go with my Timeless White Childhood set. It is classic and, of course, timeless. Something I always try to implement in any of the sets that I create is a timeless feel. I don’t want your images to feel dated by using trends. I want you to be able to look back at your images and first notice your loved ones not how funky the editing style was back then.  

These two gave me and Shelbey a run for our money during their session. And you know what? I prefer it that way. I always say if there isn't a meltdown then we have done something wrong, or they run the show. I always hand my director's hat over to the kiddos because I would rather them have a good time so I can capture genuine smiles and playfulness over getting those perfectly posed photos with unhappy faces. But honestly, I always find a way to get those ones too but with happy faces (most of the time)! 

Dear Shelbey,

I am so happy that we were able to make this session happen. Your boys are so much fun, and I love their brother bond. I pray that it stays that way as they get older. They are two lucky little boys to have you as their mom and you are one lucky mom to be blessed with them. I am so honored to have captured this season of their lives for you and I cannot wait for your next family session! Thank you for continuing to trust me to capture your beautiful family.  

Xoxo Desiree 

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Based in Helena, Montana

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