Winter in Montana is COLD! I am usually the girl that cuddles up on the couch with hot cocoa and a blanket to watch a movie or show but this winter has been completely different. I have some of the most determined clients like Emma, Caleb and Kelly (Emma’s Mom), who have been pushing me outside of my comfort zone and getting me out in the fresh (crisp) air this winter. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am learning how to push past my uncomfortableness and enjoy the beauty of Montana winters, it only took 30 years. But I must say that even though I was worried about if I would be able to handle the cold and if my work would suffer from my cold hands and shivers, I have had more fun than ever and I am so obsessed with the outcome of these cold winter sessions. And if my clients are willing to go out then I am too.    

When we got out of our cars at Spring Meadow State Lake and I saw that Emma was going to have her bump exposed, I was a little shook to say the least. Because here I was with fleece lined leggings, sweat pants, snow pants, winter boots, three layers on top and two hand warmers in each pocket. I felt a little silly. But she was such a rockstar and toughed through it and if you ask me, it was totally worth it for the outcome.  

Kelly was just the sweetest mom you could ever imagine. Every time we switched spots or were getting ready for the next pose, she was right there with a blanket or coat making sure that both Emma and Caleb were taken care of. She deserves an award for best helping hands of the year! And when Caleb wasn’t in the photos he was just as helpful. The trail was so icy, we didn’t want to risk Emma walking on it more than she had to so when it was time for her outfit change, Caleb and Kelly worked together to make a little changing station right there on the trail. Talk about teamwork. All three of them were just the most positive throughout the entire session. Keeping each other warm and being so supportive with one another. Kelly was just as attentive to Caleb as she was to Emma and that love and kindness was so refreshing to witness.    

Emma & Caleb,

I am so excited to watch you two become first time parents. I know you are going to do great just by how much love and teamwork I witnessed at your session. It was such an honor to be a part of. Emma, I am so happy that your mom was able to convince you to do the session because you were meant for it. You became a winter princess and you are going to be so happy that you have these photos to cherish as time goes by.  


Xoxo Desiree 


I can't thank you enough for getting Emma to the session. She was absolutely beautiful and I am so happy that you were there to join in on the memories and fun. I almost forgot how cold it was as I am thinking back. But I did have a great time with you all and it's all thanks to you. Your baby girl is about to have her own baby and it is such a special gift that you were able to not only make the session happen but to be there to share all of the “remember when” moments we had. You have one lucky grandson on the way.  


Xoxo Desiree 

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