When they say to marry your best friend, I think these two found exactly that. I remember how close they were, you could feel it in the air. Speaking of the air, it was a cold and rainy fall day for this Mount Helena Engagement Session. But even with how cold it was these two were full of laughter and had so much fun with each other. Their smiles and laughs were contagious. It’s not at every portrait session that my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much but that is definitely what happened at Maddie and Madison’s engagement session.  

Maddie and Madison were so willing to trust me and the shot list I created for them. And they made it look so effortless and fun. I wished I was engaged so I could have an engagement session like theirs. To be young and in-love.  

Shortly after their engagement session, I submitted it for publication at a magazine and it was accepted! I was so excited to officially be a published photographer but I think I was more excited that their session was the one to bring me that title. I think I was more excited to tell them and for their excitement than I was my own. I mean it’s one thing when your photographer writes a blog about your session but it’s a completely different world when your photographer gets your session published in a photography magazine. The excitement they shared with me was truly preview to the kind and amazing people they are. It felt like they were my very own cheerleaders. Don’t worry, the magazine issue will be linked at the end of this blog.  

During their engagement session we talked about their previous couples session they had with another photographer and they shared, with me, how cold it was. It was way colder than their engagement session but I still felt bad that yet again, it was cold and they were getting their pictures taken. Maddie and Madison, one day we are going to have to schedule your anniversary session on a warm summer day! But my point is that even though it was so cold out they didn’t complain once. They laughed and smiled and embraced each other as if the rain wasn’t getting us all wet and making our noses and cheeks rosy. Their love and partnership outshined it all! 

Maddie and Madison, I had the best time on the mountain with you two. I know you are going to love each other with all you have because you already do. I wish you the best wedding day ever and the best years to follow. I am honored that you chose me to be your engagement photographer and can't wait to work with you again!  

Xoxo Desiree 

Contact me to book your engagement session today! Fill out the form below.