When Madison and Maddie reached out to me to take their engagement photos in 2021, I was so thrilled! And when they reached out this year for their elopement, I was even more excited. I absolutely love being able to build a relationship with my clients and it is such an honor every time I am asked to do the big day photos after the engagement photos. I do a happy dance every time. Maddie and Madison are some of the biggest dog lovers I have ever seen! It warms my heart to know that every dog, lucky enough to be around them, is loved so much. From their own dogs to random dogs walking by. When we were shooting their first look there was a woman walking her dog and that dog just stopped and stayed for a little while. It was the cutest. And during their ceremony, one of their dogs decided that Maddie's dress was the perfect chill spot and just cuddled right up. You have to see the picture. It's just too sweet.  

Maddie and Madison had a very intimate elopement here in Helena. And to be asked and welcomed into that warm and intimate special day for them was more than an honor. They had some hard times leading up to this day. The week of they lost a dog member of the family. And while they were still mourning on the day of their elopement, they honored him so beautifully. He was meant to be a part of their ceremony, so they had his little tux and a picture of him sitting in the front row. It was hard to hold back tears as Madison spoke about him earlier in the day.  

On a lighter note, Maddie’s ring did not make it in time and some other things came in the next day or not as ordered. So, it’s safe to say deep breaths were had and the show must go on positivity was strong that day. I am so proud of Maddie and Madison for making it through all of the hard moments before and during their big day. They are truly strong individuals and their love is inspiring.  

Maddie & Madison, 

Thank you so much for trusting me and giving me the honor of capturing this day for you. I know things didn’t all go as planned but it was a beautiful day and I am so happy to have been there. I know you have a long and happy future together and I am so excited to watch, cheering you on every second of the way! Again, thank you from the warmest part of my heart for inviting me into this very special day.  


Xoxo Desiree 

Shout out to the vendors that helped make this day possible!

desiree marie- portrait & wedding photographer

Are you recently engaged or already planning your wedding?

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